KTN share Useful Guide when taking Products to Market


ktn guide“Navigating the Design to Manufacture Journey: A Guidebook” has been created to assist you (and those you work with) as you take physical products to market.

It consolidates learning from the 12-week online webinar series we ran over the summer lockdown, in partnership with Product Design Scotland.

The guide will help your business prepare for the journey from Design to Manufacture.

Technology market analysis by CB Insights (2019) found that 97% of start-up companies developing innovative ‘hardware’ fail (i.e. those developing physical products that require manufacturing). This compares with just 70% of tech start-ups fail (those without a physical product). Clearly, innovation is tough.

There are some specific characteristics of navigating the Design to Manufacture journey that make it more challenging than other kinds of innovation.


This informative guide can be downloaded for reference here

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