An Australian engineering company is planning to create 120 jobs in Newtownabbey over the next five years. Tribe Technology designs and builds autonomous drill rigs for the mining industry.
The development is being supported by a grant of just under £1m from Invest NI.
GLOBAL minerals company Sibelco have unveiled their target to reduce Scope 1-2 emissions intensity (tonnes CO2/revenue) by 5% per year from 2021 to 2030 (37% cumulatively), in line with best practices promoted by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). An additional target for Scope 3 emissions will be confirmed next year after further consultation with customers and suppliers.
The 5% per year Scope 1-2 intensity-reduction target is understood to be one of the toughest set to date by any business in the industrial minerals sector, and the company will be investing approximately €90 million in new technologies and operational excellence initiatives over the next nine years to support its goal.